Posted by on January 13, 2012


  1. Julianna SALMON
    April 10, 2014

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    the name of the first lion on the right is “Scarface”, easily recognized with his damaged right eye and the the “drawing” of his face.
    When did you make this photo?
    13 or 14 jan. 2014 he was seriously injured (thoracic open wound ) by a buffalo (or a Masaï, but we have seen a buffalo charging him,so i belive the first proposition)
    Thank you for answering


    • Paul Mckenzie
      April 13, 2014

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      Hi Julianna,
      Sorry to hear about Scarface. This was taken back in 2011, so a long time ago. I think these may be his two brothers or at least one of them. As you can see they were still not fully mature back then. This was shortly after they had tried unsuccessfully to take over a resident pride in the Marsh area.

  2. Julianna SALMON
    April 10, 2014

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    i hoped you have taken this picture AFTER january 2014!
    Because when we have left the Masi Mara, we weren’t sure he could survive…

    This photo was taken in sept. 2011

    i will go and see your other pictures

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